Pupil Support
‘Every child and young person is entitled to support to enable them to gain as much as possible from the opportunities which Curriculum for Excellence can provide’ Building the Curriculum 3. At Blairgowrie High School our staff are dedicated to supporting all in our school community to achieve their potential and take a child-centred approach which promotes and supports wellbeing, inclusion, equality and fairness..
House Teams are there to support you. Please speak with your House Tutor, Guidance Teacher or Support for Learning Teacher if you are worried about anything or need support. Some examples (although this list does not cover all of the circumstances you may need to speak with someone) are:
- you are struggling with your learning
- there has been a bereavement in your family
- you are a young carer and need support
- you are being bullied
- your parents/carers are splitting up
- you do not feel safe (you may also find useful information at the Child Protection pages)
You may also find some useful information at REACH
Forthcoming Programmes