Blairgowrie High School

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Pupil Opportunity Fund

The Blairgowrie High School Pupil Opportunity Fund aims to support individual pupils financially, to access opportunities which they would otherwise not be able to afford.  Funding for the Pupil Opportunity Fund comes from a variety of sources, including donations, grants and the Scottish Pupil Equity Fund.

This fund is aimed at those families who:

  • live in SIMD 1 & 2. 

SIMD is the Scottish Government's official tool that helps to identify areas, by postcode, where families may be facing financial hardship. (You can check your postcode here)

  • receive state benefits.

The fund can also help those who are over 16 and in receipt of Educational Maintenance Allowance

If your son/daughter does not meet any of the above criteria, our Parent Council also supports up to 6 pupils a year with grants of £50 for development.  Details of the Parent Council Development Award can be found here.  

At Blairgowrie High School, we have high aspirations for all of our young people.  We offer a range of opportunities and experiences to enrich and educate them.  However we recognise that not every young person has the same start in life and not family can afford to pay for everything they would like.  We try to help in a number of ways.

We help parents budget through our ‘Cost of the School Year information where we try to outline the expected costs over an academic year.  We have kept our uniform simple and we do not ask parents to use a single supplier (although we do have a supplier of school blazers who offer reasonably priced blazers).  We believe a good uniform policy is not only good for our community spirit and pride, but also for families on a budget.  We are mindful that we need to offer a wide a range of opportunities and that sometimes these opportunities, whilst at a cost to families, are often more affordable via the school than doing the same thing as a whole family.

The Pupil Opportunity Fund aims to support young people who are not in a position to take part. 

If you would like to apply for a grant from the Pupil Opportunity Fund please print the application form and return to the school office (alternatively copies can be obtained from the school office or Guidance Teachers).  If you need help in completing the form, please contact your child’s Guidance Teacher. 

Please note that funds are limited and not all applications will be successful.  However, there may be financial help available to you from other places.  Perth & Kinross Council has a dedicated Welfare Rights Team that provides a universal, free, confidential and impartial welfare rights advice and representation service to the residents of Perth & Kinross. The Team has online information which includes benefits for parents, children and young people.
