Careers Help
Skills Development Scotland is Scotland’s careers service. Our qualified Careers Advisers work in schools and our careers centres across the whole of Scotland.
Your SDS Careers Adviser is Sandra Whamond and you can get in touch with her through the school. Mrs Whamond's office is situated at the start of the music corridor.
Your SDS Careers Adviser will be there for you all through school, helping you get ready for what you’ll do when you leave. Some people think Careers Advisers are here to tell you what to do. Not true! And they won’t say ‘no’ or ‘you can’t’ either.
They will help you to think about what’s best for your future. And they will be there when you need them to back you up while you figure it out.
One of the main things your Careers Adviser will help you do is develop your Career Management Skills, which are the skills you’ll need to make your career a success. You’ll take part in groupwork sessions with your Careers Adviser, as well as having the chance of one-to-one time. They’re also available for drop-in sessions.
SDS Careers Advisers will also be able to support your parents, carers and teachers when it comes to talking about careers.
The work of SDS Careers Advisers is supported by our careers website My World of Work. You can use it to explore your career, skills and learning opportunities right through your school and working life.
You can also visit SDS Perth for information on local training and job opportunities, job search hints and tips, or to drop in to Skills Development Scotland, 31-33 South St Perth, PH2 8PD.
We also have Careers Adviser support available in Strathmore Centre for Youth Development on a weekly basis.
Employability Support is also available on a drop-in basis for 16-24 year olds and unemployed, Mondays 12.00-2.00pm @Rattray Community Connect.