Blairgowrie High School

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Freshers' Week 2024

 As part of Blairgowrie High School’s P7 into S1 transition programme all S1 pupils take part in Freshers week. This is a three-day event commencing Wednesday 4th September 2024. The week focusses on team building activities where pupils will be given extra opportunities to work together in Houses and get to know each other. There will be a variety of activities offered throughout the week with staff and other partner organisations offering exciting opportunities.

As part of Freshers’ Week, we are offering a day trip to the Outdoor Centre at Belmont, Meigle for all new S1 pupils. Whilst the school subsidies a significant proportion of the cost of these activities we would ask parents/carers to make a contribution towards Freshers’ Week.  We will also be in a position to offer some financial assistance to parents/carers to help with any costs involved.   

Parents/carers are asked to complete the consent forms on ParentPay for your son/daughter to participate in the Activity Day at Belmont. Unfortunately, pupils will not be able to participate in the outdoor experience at unless Meigle unless the forms are completed.

Below are individual timetables for each House for Freshers’ Week - Ericht, Glenisla, Stormont and Tay.

The Outdoor Centre Day for all pupils takes place on the following dates for S1 pupils –  

  • Ericht & Glenisla - Wednesday 4th September 2024
  • Stormont & Tay - Thursday 5th September 2024

 All pupils will leave Blairgowrie High School at 0900 and will return at 3.30 pm in time for the buses.  

If you have questions regarding the week, please contact Mr Stewart (DHT) through the school office.  

Freshers Week - Overview

Freshers Week - Ericht A timetable

Freshers Week - Ericht B timetable

Freshers Week - Glenisla timetable

Freshers Week - Stormont timetable

Freshers Week - Tay A timetable

Freshers Week - Tay B timetable